About Us 


What is the Pokagon-Kekionga Trails Committee? The trail committee was formed as a

service project by Post 2162 Garrett and Troop 352 Fort Wayne in 1964. This new committee was

delegated to promote historical trail hiking and maintain those trails. The committee was to operate

under the sanction of the local council and maintain these trails under rules set forth by the National Council of Boy Scouts of America. It's goal is to provide a means for the units to improve outdoor program, aid in troop advancement, and provide an award for their achievement.

We have kept you, the scout leader, in mind when we established our trails; we knew a cross-

country trail is not only safer for your scouts, but it becomes a real outing. With the help and assistance of Ouabache State Park and Pokagon State Park and our man/boy power, we blazed and/or marked miles of trails. As of today (Feb. 1968) we have 13 trails you may hike and we have plans for more.

We would like to help your troop advance and see nature first hand.

We have nine adult scouters on our committee who have given their time and energy to help

your Troop, Post, or Cub program. They receive no monetary pay; any small profit goes to the Troop and Post for equipment.

Mr. Clarence K. Houtz-Chairman Mr. Gale D. Pace

Mr. Dean E. Houtz  Mr. Gene J. Smith

Mr. Fred J. Kell Mr. Howard C. Keller

Mr. Max Dille Mr. David Dafforn

Mr. George Holbrook


Over the years, other units participated, particularly Troop 125, Angola, and

Troop 303, Fort Wayne. Today, The Pokagon-Kekionga Trail Committee is still

dedicated to promote historical hiking and maintains 20 trails. Our goal is still to

provide a means for the unit to improve outdoor programming, aid in advancement,

and provide for their achievement. Trails are open to all Scout units, there is no trail fee

for hiking, awards are optional and there is great camping at CCLT, the State Parks, and Reservoirs. Hiking can be a lot of fun for you and your unit! This IS a great way to add some Scouting

spirit into your unit's program!

Trail Information, brochures and awards display can be found at the Anthony Wayne Council

Service Center in Fort Wayne, IN & at Camp Chief Little Turtle in Pleasant Lake, IN

Current Trail Committee Members:       

   Pres.- Mike Houtz 

              Max Dille

              Steve Smith

              Mike Sprau

              Steve Timmis 

              Kevin Sark

Give us a call if you are interested in helping!

Pokagon-Kekionga Trails

P.O. Box #6

Pleasant Lake, IN 46779



Michael D. Houtz -President

235 Ln. 230A Jimmerson Lake

Angola IN 46703


Max D. Dillie (Carolyn)

6033 Bohde Trail

Fort Wayne, IN 46835


Steve Smith (Pam)- Treasurer

7615 Hope Farm Rd.

Fort Wayne, IN 46815


Steve Timmis (Cathie)-Secretary

2903 Shawnee Dr.

Fort Wayne, IN 46807


Kevin Sark-Vice-President

1420 Clara Ave.

Fort Wayne, IN 46805

kmstp15 @hotmail.com

Michael Sprau

6616 Canby Dr.

Fort Wayne, IN 46835


Honorary Members:

 Delores Houtz

Brenda Houtz

Bones Rall