Service Projects & Needs of Anthony Wayne Scout Reservation
All Service Projects Forms are to be filled out and approved at least 10 days before . If it cannot be please contact Ranger Bones at 260-316-2171 or Betsy 260-704-3457 to make arrangements, also please note that there might be special items or needs for specific projects that are noted.
ALL Services Projects to be chosen from -
(subject to change)
Trail Clearing
( projects will be added as necessary )
Spread Mulch in the New Cope Area In Camp
Help pick up wood, branches and debri to be chipped to mulch
Clear trash wood and debri along roads
Fence-line Clearing along Long Lake Road
Recycling Sorting
Clearing along Whispering pines path to Fire Ring
Clear around the perimeter of the Fire Ring
Relocating and Re-Roping Shooting Sports
Build Wood Bins for Campsites
(Camp rules states to contact Ranger for measurements and plans)
Help Repair or Replace Picnic Tables for Campsites and other areas in camp
(Camp rules states to contact Ranger for measurements and plans)
Trail Sides need Cut Back to Rock Lake
Cut Back Trail sides on Trail to Tepees
Organizing a Program Area in the Program Warehouse from Boxes to Totes and labeling the contents and Filling out inventory sheets for each tote
Items for Needs- the camp is always in need of items that get wore out over time with use! You can help little by little by choosing an item you'd like to donate.
Donating to build Woodbins for Campsites
Donating to replace Picnic Tables for Campsites